Facilities & MRO Marketplace
We save you money and
make buying fast, easy, and efficient.
Digitally Shop & Buy
Would you like an Amazon-like marketplace for your employees? Our marketplace gives your employees online access to your preferred local suppliers as well as our national suppliers. No more time-consuming phone orders, back and forth emails, or searching the web for products.
Access Our Suppliers & Yours
You have one-click access to our pre-negotiated discounts from national suppliers and we can add your favorite local distributors to our Marketplace for faster and more efficient ordering. No more hopping from website to website, see all your suppliers in one place.
Control Employee Purchases
Put all your preferred suppliers in one online location to more easily influence where your employees purchase while giving you complete visibility into where, what, and how purchases are being made, and by whom. You finally can gain control over where purchases are being made.

Group Purchasing
- Leverages the volume of products and commodities procured through Group Purchasing Organizations to ensure you get he lowest pricing and optimal savings.
- Analyzes your requirements and identifies alternative products and technologies that meet your needs while saving you money.
- Ensures flow down to sub-contractors is realized and recognized in your program.
- Ensure that products for each need are standardized to take advantage of volume and sourcing efficiencies.
- Ensures consistency of products and processes across sites to maximize savings.
- Provide access to both negotiated and off-contract items to address each site’s needs.
- Product specifications & performance are clearly defined to ensure needs are met.
- Defined approach drives compliance & reporting ensuring transparency to savings.
Our customers are realizing 7-25% discounts on equipment and supplies we negotiated based on our $500+ million in aggregated spend. Savings like these have a direct impact on your bottom line — the more you save, the higher your profits!
Best Value Finder
- Utilizes a browser add-on to identify best pricing
- Active web-based shopping pop-ups give the user alternative options for the items they are searching for
- Integrated with Group Purchasing agreements and catalog pricing to align elements of the program
- Compliance tracked & reported
How Does It Work?
1. Shop on one of your favorite supplier websites
While you shop on Amazon or other supplier websites, the Best Value Finder will automatically find the price and quantity available for the product you’re viewing at your preferred suppliers!

2. Best Value Finder will find the best deals
As you view different product pages, the Best Value Finder pops up when it finds the same product in-stock at a lower price from one of your preferred suppliers

3. Save money instantly!
With one-click, you can buy it from your preferred supplier at a lower price.
As a member, you receive 7% – 25% discounts so the savings add up!